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Aloevera Portal Danmark - Forever Living products

Hvis dine kunder allerede har en daglig vane med at drikke Forever Aloe Vera Gel, så opfordre dem til at tilføje Forever Active Pro-B til deres rutine! Forever Active Pro-B er et dagligt probiotikum, der leverer seks stammer af klinisk undersøgte bakterier for at understøtte optimal fordøjelse og samtidig forbedre optagelsen af næringsstoffer. At tage dette med Forever Aloe Vera Gel forbedrer fordelene!
If your customers already have a daily habit of drinking Forever Aloe Vera Gel, encourage them to add Forever Active Pro-B to their routine! Forever Active Pro-B is a daily probiotic that delivers six strains of clinically studied bacteria to support optimal digestion while enhancing nutrient absorption. Taking this with Forever Aloe Vera Gel enhances the benefits!

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